Friday, 30 September 2016

September 30th-ISO

Today we will spend the first part of class talking about lighting equipment and I will have you help me with a project in the lighting studio.

After that I will give a short lesson ISO and you will get the opportunity today to shoot in a fully manual setting: ajdusting the entire triangle of exposure-aperture, shutter speed and ISO.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

September 27th- Aperture

Hello and happy Tuesday!

Today we are going to talk about Aperture. I will do a lesson on aperture and depth of field.

After the lesson I want everyone to go out and take 10 photos, 5 with a shallow depth of field and 5 of high depth of field. When you return, please do some adjustments in iPhoto. I suggest adjusting the levels to increase your white or black if necessary (remember every photo should have a true white and a true black), and perhaps the exposure, highlights and maybe black and white.

When you are done, post all 10 on your blog WITH YOUR F STOP NUMBER.


If you are done go to this link, National Geographic's Photo of the Day and choose your favourite photo and tell me why it's your favourite, what is interesting about the photo, and what settings you think the photographer used (i.e. what is your guess for aperture and shutter speed).

Friday, 23 September 2016

September 23rd-Shutter Speed Part II

Welcome back and happy Friday!

Last class we focused on shutter speed and experiment with shot types and settings. If you did not do this on Wednesday, please upload your photos to your blog and label them A: and the shutter speed you used, B: and the shutter speed you used, and C: shutter speed you used. There should be 6 photos in total (and most of them likely didn't turn out).

Step 1: Upload and label photos with the shutter speed that you used
Step 2: Explain why you don't think your photos really turned out-was your shutter too fast, too slow, was your ISO setting not high or low enough?

Step 3:
I'd like you to go back out and retake the same photos-this time do not go to extreme ends of the shutter speed one that's slightly faster and one that is slightly slower. Remember that if your photo is too bright, you should lower your ISO, if your photo is too dark then you should raise your ISO. This will be essential in taking photos that actually turn out. AFTER you've taken the same photos, take 1 photo of each scenario on AUTO.

Your goal by the end of the class is to take the same sets of photos but this time they should turn out somewhat decent.

Step 4:
Post your photos on your blog, label them with the shutter speed AND the ISO that you used (as well as the auto photo and the shutter speed/ISO of the photo).

Step 5: Respond to the following question:

1. Did your photos turn out better this time? Why do you think that they did or why do you think that they didn't?

2. How does your photo compare to the AUTO setting photo that the camera took?

Step 6:
When you are done everything else for today, please complete the following survey. Next week is Spiritual Emphasis week and the topic will be on Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Beautiful. This survey is anonymous but will help to inform our speaker on things that are relevant to Rockway.

Step 7:
If you're done EVERYTHING, go to the National Geographic Photohgraphy page and explore all the amazing photos. If you click on the photo on the bottom right it will tell you the setting that the photographer used.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

September 21st: Introduction to Shutter Speed

Hello and welcome back!

Before we begin today, please fill out this quiz on Resolution. Please complete this on your own, with no talking please. If you are unsure about the answers, refresh yourself on the article that you read yesterday:

If you are done the quiz early and are waiting for the lesson to start, then google Shutter Speed. 


In your own words, explain what the function is of the shutter speed and how you can use it in your camera.

You will go outside today with a pen and a piece of paper and take the following 6 photos. You MUST RECORD the shutter speed that you used for these photos. 

I would like you to work with a group of 2 or 3 and do the following: 

A.) Take a photo of a water photo of a slow shutter speed and one on a fast shutter speed. 

B.) Take a photo of someone running through the frame, one on a fast setting and one on a slow setting. 

C.) Have one person sit in a chair with the camera focusing on their feet while the other group member pushes them in the chair (in the lab). Take on a low setting and one on a fast setting. 


Tuesday, 20 September 2016

September 20th: Resolution



Today we are going to talk a little about pixels and resolutions and how it relates to photography and printing.

Please read the following article and answer the questions below in full sentences. Tomorrow you will start the class with a small quiz on resolution so that I know you fully understood the article.

1. What is "resolution"?

2. What is a megapixel?

3. If, at it's maximum, a camera produces an image that is 1600 x 1200 pixels, we would consider it a _______ megapixel camera.

4. What are three advantages to having images with a higher resolution?

5. Research a camera, phone, iPod, etc. that you own-what is the mega pixel rating on this device? Does this surprise you?


When you are done, google the triangle of exposure. We are going to begin talking about this tomorrow. Post an image of the triangle and an explanation of what it is  in your own words (Cite your source by copying and pasting the URL!!!!)

If you've done everything above, go outside and take a couple more photos that focus on the elements of design from last class. This time I'd like you to consider the rule of thirds when you are taking your photo as well. Post your photos from today on your blog (max of 3) and explain what element you were focusing on in the photo.

Friday, 16 September 2016

September 16th: Elements of Design

Hello and Happy Friday! It is a beautiful day outside so we are going to spend another day outside taking photos :)

Last class you took some photos using the rule of thirds, you should all have some comments on your photos for me now if you e-mailed me the link to your blog. If you have not done that you will need to do that A.S.A.P.

1. Short Lesson on the Elements of Design that you can use to improve the composition and subject matter of your photos.

2. Use Google Search to find an example of a photo that depicts each of the elements we discussed in class. Make sure your images are high resolution only (larger than 1024 x 768):

colour (contrasting and analogous)
shape (as in two dimensional such as a shadow, silhouette, etc.)
form (emphasis the 3 dimensional aspect of the subject matter)

-Upload these to your blog and label them the element that you think it represents

3. Go out and choose a minimum 4 of the elements to focus on and take QUALITY photos of these elements. It is recommended that you go OUTSIDE-indoor photographs are never as interesting. Remember-no classrooms, no resource room, no office/student services, no gym and no parking lots.

4. Upload a minimum of 4 photos to your blog, and explain what element you chose, what about the photograph represents that element, and if the photo turned out the way you envisioned.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

September 13th: How Photography Connects Us

Hello and welcome back,

  I hope you had a restful weekend. Today we are going to spend the first half of the class inside and the second half outside taking photos and uploading them to our blog. The first is you are going to watch a TEDTALk on your own about how Photography Connects us and then you will answer a few questions:


David Griffin-How Photography Connects Us

(David Griffin is one of the world's most successful food photographers)

1. How do you think photography connects us?
2. What was the most interesting image for you and why?
3. How is photography more than just pretty pictures?


Next go to National Geographic Photo of the Day and look through the photos from September (or further if you are interested).

1. Find a photo that tells a story. Post a link to it on your blog with the reference of the Photographer's name, and title of the photograph. Explain why you think the photo tells a story, and what about the photo "caught your eye".


After you are done all of that, sign out a camera and go outside and take as many shots as you can that follow the rule of thirds. DO NOT DISTURB ANY CLASSES OR RESOURCE PERIODS. You will upload your 5 best photos to your blog at the end of class. At least 1 of these photos should be a portrait, so you should talk with a classmate and take each other's photos. YOU MUST STAY ON SCHOOL PROPERTY AND OUT OF THE PARKING LOT. All the composition work must be done on your camera, do not crop or edit your photos.

Tips: Use the horizon line as a guide in your photos, and you can use the grid display overlay on your camera. Take a wide variety of shots. Outdoor shots are generally more successful than indoor shots.

Return to class before 3:05.

Friday, 9 September 2016

September 9th 2016

Welcome back!

Last class we were interrupted so today I will give you the first 15 minutes to finish creating your blog, answering the questions from yesterday and customizing your blog. Take a photo of yourself on photobooth and have some fun exploring with filters/adjustments in iPhoto.

If you finish that and are waiting for the lesson, google rule of thirds and tell me in your own words, what the rule of thirds is in a few sentences. Copy & paste the link that you used so that I know you didn't copy word for word.


After the lesson,  I'd like you to take the following photos are crop them 2 different ways to follow the rule of thirds and post them on your blog.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Wednesday September 7th

Welcome to Communications Technology!

In this course I hope you will learn a lot and discover some new technology

Activate your Rockway Google Account
1. To activate your Rockway Google account, go to and click on Sign In.
2. Use "student" as your username, and "password" as your password.
3. Change your password to something that you will remember, and agree to the terms and conditions.

Create a blog on

1. Once you are logged into your school Google account, go to
2. Create a new blog. Have fun customizing it...please include your name in the blog title or description.

Once you have published your answers in a post, please email the URL (web address) of your new blog to Ms. Matthews. 
Instructions are below:
1. Open a new browser or tab, and go to
2. Login to your account.
3. Click on the "Mail" link on the menu at the top.
4. Create a new message addressed to "" .
5. Cut and paste the URL from your blog into the message, and click "send".

  1. State your name, grade, country of birth.
  2. Why did you take this course? What are your goals in this course? What have you heard about this course?
  3. What experience do you have with digital photography? Do you have access to a camera? Explain.
  4. Do you have any experience with photo editing? (e.g. iPhoto or PhotoShop) 
  5. Have you ever created and edited your own videos? Please explain (what the video was, what programs you have used, was there audio involved, etc. )
  6. Describe any experience you have with graphic design (e.g. Adobe Illustrator/inDesign or similar programs). 
  7. What platform are you most familiar with: Mac or PC?
  8. What do you spend most of your time doing online? Please describe.

If you finished all of this, you can spend some time modifying your blog by:

  • adding some information about YOU in your profile 
  • changing your blog template/adding gadgets/uploading images