Welcome back and happy Friday!
Last class we focused on shutter speed and experiment with shot types and settings. If you did not do this on Wednesday, please upload your photos to your blog and label them A: and the shutter speed you used, B: and the shutter speed you used, and C: shutter speed you used. There should be 6 photos in total (and most of them likely didn't turn out).
Step 1: Upload and label photos with the shutter speed that you used
Step 2: Explain why you don't think your photos really turned out-was your shutter too fast, too slow, was your ISO setting not high or low enough?
Step 3:
I'd like you to go back out and retake the same photos-this time do not go to extreme ends of the shutter speed wheel....do one that's slightly faster and one that is slightly slower. Remember that if your photo is too bright, you should lower your ISO, if your photo is too dark then you should raise your ISO. This will be essential in taking photos that actually turn out. AFTER you've taken the same photos, take 1 photo of each scenario on AUTO.
Your goal by the end of the class is to take the same sets of photos but this time they should turn out somewhat decent.
Step 4:
Post your photos on your blog, label them with the shutter speed AND the ISO that you used (as well as the auto photo and the shutter speed/ISO of the photo).
Step 5: Respond to the following question:
1. Did your photos turn out better this time? Why do you think that they did or why do you think that they didn't?
2. How does your photo compare to the AUTO setting photo that the camera took?
Step 6:
When you are done everything else for today, please complete the following survey. Next week is Spiritual Emphasis week and the topic will be on Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Beautiful. This survey is anonymous but will help to inform our speaker on things that are relevant to Rockway.
Step 7:
If you're done EVERYTHING, go to the National Geographic Photohgraphy page and explore all the amazing photos. If you click on the photo on the bottom right it will tell you the setting that the photographer used.
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