Tuesday, 13 December 2016

December 13th-Greeting Cards

Today we will begin a mini 2 day assignment creating Christmas cards that you can print to give out for Christmas! I am away today but below are clear instructions about what today and Wednesday will look like. I will be back for tomorrow's class.

There will be 2 parts to this: capturing a holiday photo and designing the card in illustrator with nice type face, kerning, font choice, using various type tools, etc.

PART I: Tuesday

*Can 1 person volunteer to show Owen how to type on a path, 1 person show him how to do kerning, 1 person show him how to type inside a shape, and someone else show him the vertical type tool?

To set up your illustrator document please follow the following steps:

After you have set up your document, you can go outside and take a photo of a winter scene. Take a bunch of photos so you have lots of options to work with. You will only be allowed 20 minutes outside so use your time well. When you come back, you will need to do some editing in Photoshop. You need to edit 3 photos.

*Please look at the photo tips for success that I posted last class before you take out a camera.

-You can choose to edit it using the basic workflow in Photoshop you used by first adjusting the Levels, then the Colour Saturation, and the Vibrancy. Please don't do any cheesy effects. Anything that looks great and enhances your photo.

PART II: Wednesday

Working with font-today we will begin applying font to our card using some of the tools we learned about on Friday and exploring the website dafont.com. If you finish taking your photos, setting up your illustrator file, and editing your photos on photoshop (at least 3) you can explore dafont.com today and begin choosing some fonts for Wednesday's class. Write down the name of your fonts so you don't need to search for them again.

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